There are many figures we meet on our life, and who guide us perhaps for short time. I like to remember the years of training at the Scuola Mosaicisti del Fiuli where I met special people, both teachers and students.
Are you ready to fly?
Mosaic is vibration
Speed has never been my strongest skill during my school years. And this led me to train continuously to improve myself, but it was not my aim. I loved and still love color. I love how we can reproduce a tone by combining the right shades of color. “The mosaic must vibrate”, some masters told us. Mysterious words, which only became clearer over time. The eye gets tired in front of totally flat backgrounds: they are artificial. There is a need to stop monotony, and you need to do it with kindness so as not to create distractions. It is a field where you work on tiptoe, in precarious balance, and I remember the hours spent designing colored tiles to understand which blends work and which don’t. It seemed like eternal hours, but every single minute was as precious as gold.
On the left the detail of the face during the making, on the right the overall work created with all the students.
The stars
Then there are those who pass quickly, but leave a mark. They were the internships with great mosaic artists such as Giulio Candussio and Marco De Luca. I was always super insecure, I saw them as two rocks: stable, strong. They are people who have a lot to teach, but it is in their example of behavior that they know how to suggest that something intangible and unspeakable, but which remains.
Work hard!
Believe in
The enthusiasm of master Igor Marziali, in the last year. With him, I emerged from the “crash” experienced with the face of Jesus. I worked hard, and I believed in it. Until the end. And in the end, the award for the best final essay at the end of the year also arrived. Each project that year was an exciting challenge. It was difficult to know at first where we would go, but the certainty that we would make it and that the result would be memorable.
The secret was, and still remains, simple: just believe it!
P.s .: even if I have not explicitly named all the teachers, I reserve a place in my heart for all of them.
My end-of-year essay: a mosaic reproduction of “White Framed Polyphonically” by Paul Klee.