Behind a mosaic​

“How much patience does it take to make a mosaic? Do you buy the tiles already made? Do you color the tiles?”

In my blog, I try to answer the questions I usually get asked. Some are of a practical nature, others on why the mosaic technique is so fascinating.

Happy reading!

giardino tarocchi capalbio

Is this a mosaic?

From my studio window, I can see my neighbor’s entrance. It is covered with many fragments, randomly arranged, to recompose a surface This type of

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venetian smalti mosaic

Does the colour last forever?

I’ve recently read a book “Bright Earth. The invention of colour” by Philip Ball. It’s a very interesting and pleasant essay, where the author thinks

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easel mosaic

The easel mosaic

The categories of the mosaic The world of the mosaic art is wide. For these reason I think it could be useful to stop and

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