Does the colour last forever?

I’ve recently read a book “Bright Earth. The invention of colour” by Philip Ball. It’s a very interesting and pleasant essay, where the author thinks back to the history of the colour from a physical-chemical point of wiew, and from the very first uses till now. Today we take for granted the facility to use… Continue reading Does the colour last forever?

The easel mosaic

The categories of the mosaic The world of the mosaic art is wide. For these reason I think it could be useful to stop and clarify the question in order to understand better. The mosaic has an ancient story. The first discoveries date back to 3000 b.C.; a lot happened since then and it is… Continue reading The easel mosaic

What I have learned from my first solo exhibition

Beyond the surface To exhibit means to expose oneself. That’s true in every ambit: doing a presentation speech at work, talking about your ideas or taking sides. Sometimes to expose ourselves creates a sort of anxiety, because we move from our uses and we put ourselves out there. It’s exactly what happened to me in… Continue reading What I have learned from my first solo exhibition

Mosaic tiles are the knowledge of the matter

Sometimes, I think that each tile is a small sculpture and, like a sculptor, the mosaicist must know well the material he uses. The cut of the tile is fundamental in the artistic mosaic: it must be clean and precise, so the card has the desired shape and to occupies the space as I want.… Continue reading Mosaic tiles are the knowledge of the matter

Andamento is the mosaic breath

You are on the beach by the sea. You look at the waves and it is a continuous splash, then you look up towards the horizon and everything appears calm and flat. Here: I am inspired by this when I create my mosaic backgrounds. In the artistic mosaic, andamento is used to determine the lines… Continue reading Andamento is the mosaic breath

What is the mosaic art?

Tiles, andamento and spacing. When I tell people that I create mosaics, it often happens that they compare them with puzzle. Actually, we all know the puzzle and it is quite spontaneous to define the mosaic art (that is less known) as a joint of colourful tiles. It’s not exactly the same thing! And it… Continue reading What is the mosaic art?